Antibacterial Glass Cleaner (AGC) - mint - Peppermint - 25L Refill Pack Cleaning Glossy No Residue

SKU AGC-25L-mintPeppermint
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Antibacterial Glass Cleaner (AGC) - mint - Peppermint - 25L Refill Pack Cleaning Glossy No Residue
Product Details
Weight: 30 000 g

Antibacterial Glass Cleaner (AGC)

BF1 Formulated and manufacture Antibacterial Glass Cleaner (AGC) for customer to spray on glass surfaces such as glass window, glass door, glass table. The powerful function and element that compound in Antibacterial Glass Cleaner (AGC) are :

• Antibacterial - Antibacterial Glass Cleaner (AGC) conceal the growth of bacteria and suppresses the ability of bacteria to reproduce

• Cleaning - Antibacterial Glass Cleaner (AGC) removing unwanted substances, such as dirt, infectious agents, and other impurities, from glass surface.

• Glossy - Antibacterial Glass Cleaner (AGC) make surface of glass smooth and shiny

• No Residue - Antibacterial Glass Cleaner (AGC) can remove mark of sticker label, water mark, stain on glass surface

Direction of Use : Gently spray onto glass surface and wipe with a clean cloth or paper.

Odor of Antibacterial Glass Cleaner (AGC) : Scent as per natural plants, wood, flower or fruit shown in picture.

Antibacterial Glass Cleaner (AGC) available packing size : 200ml, 5L Refill Pack, 25L Refill Pack.

BF1 Kilang Mentol Kristal membekalkan dan mengedar Mentol Kristal .BF1 Mentol kristal dikelaskan untuk aplikasi kosmetik dan kulit.Mentol kristals (dl-menthol) dihasilkan melalui minyak mentah (Mentha Arvensis), minyak cepat dibekukan dan mentol menyalin keluar.
Kristal bujur, mirip dengan kristal batu. Mereka jelas putih dengan bau minty yang segar. Boleh dilarut dalam alkohol dan minyak. Titik lebur: 42-44 ° C (107-111 ° F). Kesucian 99.7%. Gred USP.

Faedah Mentol Kristal:

*Kesan menyegarkan dan penyejukan pada kulit

*Bau minty segar peppermint yang kuat

*Boleh menjengkelkan pada kulit dan mata